Wydział Prawa i Ekonomii

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme Business Ethics and CSR - rekrutacja uzupełniająca

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme Business Ethics and CSR - rekrutacja uzupełniająca!

BIP description:

Business ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) play a crucial role in the success of businesses. Studying ethics and CSR is important for students because it can prepare them for the challenges of a rapidly changing business landscape. As consumers become more socially conscious and demand that companies act in an ethical and socially responsible manner, businesses that fail to prioritize these values are likely to struggle. The place for the project, Alba Iulia, is a city located in the central part of Romania, in the province of Transylvania. It is known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and beautiful architecture. It is the home to the largest and best-preserved fortress in Romania, the Alba Carolina Citadel, which was built in the 18th century on the site of a former Roman castrum. Alba Iulia provides the perfect backdrop for a deep dive into the world of business ethics and CSR. Throughout the event, students will have the opportunity to learn from business experts and leaders who will share their experiences and insights on business ethics and CSR during the study visits and lectures, and will participate in workshops and group activities that will allow them to gain practical skills for their future career. They will also have the chance to work and network with like-minded students from other countries, and present their ideas on how to help a company become ethical and socially responsible, all while exploring the beautiful sights and sounds of Alba county and it’s surroundings. Profile of participants: students in the field of economics.


  • 18-28 September 2023 (virtual part)
  • 25-29 September 2023 (physical part)