Wydział Prawa i Ekonomii

Blended Intensive Programme: International Banking - Limitations & Possibilities

Dearest Students,

I am more than happy to invite you to participate in the Blended Intensive Programme: International Banking - Limitations & Possibilities organized by Kazimierz Wielki University (Poland) - Department of Economics.

International Banking – Limitations & Possibilities – Blended Intensive Programme is a combination of VIRTUAL & PHISICAL MOBILITY with short, interactive lectures conducted by international, experienced experts and researchers, supplemented by short videos, practical case-studies, authentic documents, class discussions, group case studies, workshops, research, group presentations and projects. Presentations and study materials will be provided to students. Innovative methods, tools, platforms will be used in friendly atmosphere of cooperation. Perfect plan for: 4 ECTS, Certificate, Knowledge & Unforgetable experiences and many more!

Registration forms will be gathered and evaluated by home University until 21st February 2023 and sent to ewelina.idziak@ukw.edu.pl (Programme Manager)

VIRTUAL mobility: 5 on-line lectures in March and April 2023 - according to attached schedule,

PHYSICAL mobility - workshop: 22-26 May 2023 (21st May - arrival; 26 or 27th May - departure).

On-line (5 lectures),
Poland - Bydgoszcz: Workshop on-site with leasure & trips.

Only 6 STUDENTS per University.

- course organization costs, trips, coffee breaks, sandwiches/fruits/water/juice during workshop days, stationery, gadgets; - UKW (funds for BIP - ERASMUS), so for UKW Students it is for free!

English B2 or higher.

Questions & Registration?
Programme Manager: ewelina.idziak@ukw.edu.pl